Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony

Our family is eternal

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ward Christmas Party 2009

Angelina Taylor

Aunt Tay and Bylla

Mckenna, Brian and Jesse James

Mr. Briggs Santa Claus

Briggs Lee and cousin Tanner

Jesse James

Sibylla cute as ever

My honey is santa's cutest helper!!

Angelina with Santa

Jesse James and Santa

Sibylla Venna and Santa

Thanksgiving Break with Rayden

Mr. Briggs Lee Thomas kicking back

Rayden's Birthday

Ready for Church

blast from the past e-mail!

I wrote a e-mail back in October 2005 and wanted to share it on our family blog...

I recently discovered the true blessing children are in a parents life. I always knew from primary that "I Am A Child of God" I just never understood the full picture until now. Angelina is a pretty good kid....even at 2 years old, however occasionally she is a little bit testy especially when going to bed does not appeal to her. I was truly frustrated one afternoon, all I wanted was to have some quiet time. Angelina WOULD NOT stop screaming, So I decided to take her tantrum in my own hands... I began singing I Am A Child of God. It was amazing to me how she took to the song, as if she understood the words. I have had many opportunities to sing for different crowds, but no audience compared to the smile and a wink from my 2 year old child of god. It has now been a continuing thing for her and I to say our prayers and sing our song.
A few weeks ago I was asked to share with the young women in my ward, what it was like to raise a precious gift from our Father in Heaven. I took Jesse with me and so you all know he was a hit.... I sat in silence, listening to the girls speak about cruelty in schools towards kids who may be a little different. It was then my turn to share, and now I would like to share with you.

One evening very late, I heard noise coming from Angelina's crib. Being a new mom to a 6 week old I was more than willing to check on her. I inched my way through a cold darkness towards the room my baby was in. I slowly worked my way through the darkness hoping that I didn't do any damage to myself, due to lack of light. As I reached Angelina's room a light from the moon poured into the room and danced across my little girls face,and I felt a warmth and a comfort never to be forgotten. I looked in the crib and saw my 6 week cooing and laughing. I thought at first she might be crying, so I felt at ease when I saw the smile. I sat in the hallway and listened,as tears streamed down my face it hit me... my little girl is so close to the savior that in a house of cold darkness she found warmth and comfort.
2 years later I now am in a home that is filled with the spirit, not just my little girls room but everywhere my children stand. Now having the light, warmth and comfort in my heart and my home...has given me new insight. Children are a precious gift from our Father in Heaven, and now I know I AM A CHILD OF GOD!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

mommy vent~!

I am feeling the challenge of being a mom this week, and Santa may not be coming to our house. Angelina really has a rough time in the morning getting ready for school, comes home with  a smile and a happy disposition. Then we move to Jesse oh man this kid is a pain, if there is something he wants that I won't let him have he throws a tantrum you wouldn't believe. All day we hear stomp stomp raspberry stomp stomp raspberry, this kid spends more time in time out and his bed then anywhere else he could be. Then we got Sibylla who really doesn't think the rules apply to her, and when I enforce them you would think I took away that girls reason for getting up in the morning. Lastly baby Briggs well.....he is still an infant he doesn't count, I just love he is to young to talk back. Whoo I am now vented and go back to loving my kids more than I love myself, after all that is what being a mom is all about! TTFN ta ta for now!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This Is It!

So here I am finally blogging, and I am not sure what to think about this. Truthfully I am a Facebook"er" but it is hard to really express myself in that forum so here I am. I feel really grateful to be out here in California andI never realized what a stable group my family really is until I came back out here. My kids, are happy! My marriage, is happy! I feel very VERY stressed and yet it isn't creating a wedge between our family. I know going to school is the best thing for me and I need to get a degree so I can contribute to my family and be able to be stable and happy emotionally,mentally, psychologically, spiritually, and every "lly" I can't think of at the moment, but getting through this will be a challenge and I am scared. I know though that if I push through my fear and painof stress we will enjoy being on the other side!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our House

Here is our almost finished living room

This is our dining areaPlease note kids

And the girl's room...